Parshas Be'shalach: Did the Leviim have a bris at Yetzias Mitzraim?
The Rambam says in the Yad
HaChazakah (הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק יג);
א') בשלושה דברים נכנסו ישראל לברית: במילה וטבילה וקרבן.
(הלכה ב') מילה היתה במצרים, כשנאמר: "כל ערל לא יאכל בו"
(שמות יב מח). מל אותם משה רבנו, שכולם ביטלו ברית מילה במצרים חוץ משבט לוי. ועל
זה נאמר: "ובריתך ינצרו" (דברים לג ט).
“The benei yisrael entered into a covenant with Hashem through three
things; Bris milah, tevilah and
bringing a korban.
The bris milah was in Mitzraim. Because the halacha is that an arel
cannot eat from the Korban Pesach, Moshe commanded the benei yisrael to perform bris
milah, because all of them stopped doing bris milah in Mitzraim besides the tribe of Levi.”
The Ramban in Yevamos (46a)
אם כן שבט לוי איך נכנסו תחת כנפי השכינה ? אלא הטיפו ממנו דם-ברית. ולי
נראה דמדין מילה אינם חייבים להטיף - דהא מלו, ולא דמי לערבי מהול וגבעוני מהול,
כיוון דלא מפקדי כמאן דלא מלו דמי
“If the tribe of Levi did bris milah before Moshe commanded them,
how did they enter into the covenant with Hashem?
You must say that they did hataphas dam bris.
However this would not have counted
towards them entering into a bris
with Hashem because they already had bris
milah and doing a further hataphas
dam bris would not have added anything.
This is not similar to a non-Jew
who already has a bris who performs hataphas
dam bris if they become a ger,
because there seeing as they were not previously commanded to do bris milah it is as if they have not had
milah at all so the hataphas dam bris that they do is a new
entry into a covenant with Hashem.
However in the case of the
Leviim in Mitzraim, seeing as the bris
that they already had was a bris that
was performed because of a mitzvah, doing hataphas
dam bris would not have added anything and could not have been a sign of them
entering into a new covenant with Hashem.”
If so,
according to the Rambam, how did the Leviim enter into a bris with Hashem at
the time of Yetzias Mitzraim?
…דכתיב (דברים ה, יא) כאשר צוך ה' אלהיך ואמר רב יהודה אמר רב כאשר
צוך במרה
“The passuk says שָׁמוֹר אֶת יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ
כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוְּךָ ה אֱלֹקֶיךָ –
‘Guard the day of the Shabbos to sanctify it was Hashem your G-d commanded
you.’ Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav, ‘This means as Hashem commanded you
in Marah.’”
Tosafos asks;
The gemara says in Shabbos
אמר רב יהודה אמר רב אלמלי שמרו ישראל שבת ראשונה לא שלטה בהן אומה
ולשון שנאמר (שמות טז, כז) ויהי ביום השביעי יצאו מן העם ללקוט וכתיב בתריה ויבא
“Rav Yehudah said in the name of
Rav – had the benei yisrael only kept
the first Shabbos then no nation or language would ever have been able to rule
over them, as the passuk says, ‘And it was on the seventh day that some of the
people went out to gather man,’, and
it says after this, ‘And Amalek came…’”
If the
benei yisrael were already commanded to keep Shabbos in Marah then the Shabbos
when the people went out to gather man
was not the first Shabbos. Why then does the gemara (118b) say that the benei yisrael did not keep the first Shabbos?
Rambam says that the reason that we keep bris
milah and gid hanashe is not
because these mitzvos were given to
Avraham and to Yaakov. Rather we keep them because they were re-commanded to
Moshe at Har Sinai.
We see from this
that there are two types of mitzvah,
there are mitzvos that are given
through a Navi, such as the sheva mitzvos
benei noach, and there are mitzvos
that are part of the Torah. Even if the mitzvah
is ultimately included as part of the Torah and becomes a mitzvas ha’Torah, it may still have been a mitzvas navi from the time that it was originally commanded until matan torah.
Even if
a mitzvah is part of the Torah, it is only Torah
sheh’biksav if the details of the mitzvah are explicit in the Torah. For
example, the passuk says in Devarim (12:21);
וְזָבַחְתָּ מִבְּקָרְךָ וּמִצֹּאנְךָ אֲשֶׁר נָתַן ה לְךָ כַּאֲשֶׁר
“And you should
slaughter from your cattle and your flocks that Hashem has given to you as I
have commanded you.”
We learn from this
passuk that there are Hilchos of shechitah
that were given to Moshe. However even although there is a reference to Hilchos shechitah in the passuk, they
still remain torah shebaal peh because the Torah did not
specify the details of any of these halachos.
The only reason that
we know that the benei yisrael were
commanded concerning Shabbos in Marah is because the passuk says in Devarim - שָׁמוֹר אֶת יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ
כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוְּךָ ה אֱלֹקֶיךָ.
The Maharal explains
that this ‘kaasher tzivechah’ is not
better than the reference of ‘ka’asher
tzivischah’ concerning Hilchos
shechitah. Just as Hilchos shechitah
are not torah shebikesav, so too, from
this reference to Shabbos, the mitzvah to keep Shabbos given in Marah could
only be at best Torah shebaal peh but
not Torah shebiksav.
3) Therefore,
had the mitzvah to keep Shabbos that was given in Marah been part of the Torah
(a mitzvah of the Torah and not just a mitzvah given by a navi), then it would
turn out that the torah shebaal peh
of Shabbos came before the torah
shebiksav of Shabbos (Shabbos is only referenced explicitly later in the
parshah of man.)
However, torah shebaal peh is an explanation of torah shebiksav and not the other way
round. Therefore it is impossible that the mitzvah to keep Shabbos given in
Marah was a mitzvas hatorah and it
must only have been given to the benei yisrael as a mitzvas navi (like gid hanashe
when it was commanded to Yaakov).
4) When
the gemara in Shabbos (118b) says that the first Shabbos that the benei yisrael
had was the Shabbos when they were given the man, it means that this was the first Torah commanded Shabbos that
they had. The previous command that they had been given to keep Shabbos in
Marah was not part of the giving of the Torah but was rather a mitzvas navi that was given to them in
order to make them used to keeping Shabbos.
Rb Yitzchak Hutner z”l (Pesach 36) explains
that you see from this Maharal that if a mitzvah
was commanded before Har Sinai, then as long as it was written in the Torah it
was a mitzvos ha’Torah even before matan torah at Har Sinai.
Therefore you can say that according
to the Rambam the Leviim were able to do hataphas
dam bris in order to be nichnas
tachas kanphei ha’shechinah because the mitzvah
that Moshe gave to the benei yisrael
in Mitzraim to do milah was a Torah mitzvah that superseded the mitzvas navi to do milah that was given to Avraham.
Therefore with respect to the mitzva of Moshe, the Leviim did not have
the status of having milah and were
able to do hataphas dam bris.
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