Parshas Balak - The sorcery of Bilaam
The passuk
says in this week’s sedrah (Bamidbar 22:12)
וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹקִים
אֶל בִּלְעָם לֹא תֵלֵךְ עִמָּהֶם לֹא תָאֹר אֶת הָעָם כִּי בָרוּךְ הוּא
And Hashem
said to Bilaam, “You should not go with them, you should not curse the people,
because they are blessed.”
"לא תלך עמהם" - אמר לו א"כ אקללם במקומי אמר לו לא
תאור את העם אמר לו א"כ אברכם אמר לו אינם צריכין לברכתך כי ברוך הוא משל אומרים
לצרעה לא מדובשיך ולא מעוקציך
Bilaam said to Hashem, “If I am not allowed to go
with the princes of Moav then at least let me curse them from here?”
Hashem replied, “You shall not curse the people [at
Bilaam said, “If so, then at least let me bless
Hashem replied, “They do not need your blessing
because they are blessed.”
A parable: They say to the hornet, “We do not want
either your honey or your sting.”
- Why did Bilaam ask Hashem that he should be allowed to bless the benei yisrael? If his purpose was to aid Balak in their defeat, how would this be accomplished by giving the benei yisrael a beracha?
- In the parable, the hornet will sting you if you try and get its honey. But Bilaam did not suggest that he would hurt the benei yisrael, he only suggested that he would give them a beracha and nothing more?
The passuk relates that Yaakov said to Esav (Bereishis 32:6)
וַיְהִי לִי שׁוֹר
וַחֲמוֹר צֹאן וְעֶבֶד וְשִׁפְחָה וָאֶשְׁלְחָה לְהַגִּיד לַאדֹנִי לִמְצֹא חֵן בְּעֵינֶיךָ.
And I have acquired oxen and donkeys and servants and maidservants and I
have sent these to present myself to my master in order to find favour in your
Rashi explains
"ויהי לי שור וחמור" - אבא אמר לי מטל השמים ומשמני הארץ
זו אינה לא מן השמים ולא מן הארץ
Father said to me you will receive a beracha from the dew of the
heavens and from the fat of the land, however these do not come from the dew of
the heavens and do not grow from the earth.
- Why did Yaakov negate the efficacy of Yitzchak’s beracha?
The Divrei Yoel explains as follows:
The Ramban says (Devarim 18:9)
ועתה דע והבן בעניני
הכשפים כי הבורא יתברך כאשר ברא הכל מאין עשה העליונים מנהיגי התחתונים אשר למטה מהן
ונתן כח הארץ וכל אשר עליה בכוכבים ובמזלות לפי הנהגתם ומבטם בהם כאשר הוא מנוסה בחכמת
האיצטגנינות ועשה עוד על הכוכבים והמזלות מנהיגים מלאכים ושרים שהם נפש להם והנה הנהגתם
מעת היותם עד לעולם ועד גזירת עליונים אשר שם להם.
אבל היה מנפלאותיו
העצומות ששם בכח המנהיגים העליונים דרכי תמורות וכחות להמיר הנהגת אשר למטה מהם...
וזה סוד הכשפים וכחם שאמרו בהם (חולין ז) שהם מכחישים פמלייא של מעלה לומר שהם היפך
הכחות הפשוטים והם הכחשה לפמלייא בצד מהצדדין...
...יאמר הנה אסר לך
השם המעשים האלה הנזכרים בעבור שהם תועבות לפניו ובגללם הוריש הגוים ההם מפניך ואסר
לך הנחשים והקסמים בעבור שעשה לך מעלה גדולה לתתך עליון על כל גויי הארץ שיקים בקרבך
נביא ויתן דבריו בפיו ואתה תשמע ממנו מה יפעל קל...
Now know and understand the matter of sorcery, for Hashem, when he created
everything from nothing, he made the upper worlds sovereign over the lower
worlds which are beneath them, and he gave power over the earth and all that is
upon it to the heavenly bodies and constellations according to their lead and
their consideration of the lower world, as is shown in the science of
astrology. And further he made for each star and constellation malachim
and princes which are as a neshama to them. And behold all these act
from the moment of their creation and forever according to the decree of the
upper influences which have been set for them.
However, it was among Hashem’s great wonders, that Hashem placed within the
powers of the upper realms the ways of change, and the ability to change the
governance of the realms beneath them… And this is the secret of witchcraft and
their strengths concerning which the gemara says that they contradict the
heavenly hosts which means to say that [power is given to man to change the way
in which the upper spheres influence the lower spheres so that] they contradict
the ordinary sequence whereby the world is conducted according to the heavenly
influences (but not to say that this is a contradiction to Hashem’s will,
because Hashem Himself placed within creation the ability for witchcraft to
alter the supernal influences if a person would be so inclined to avail himself
of this possibility)…
Therefore the passuk says that Hashem forbade you to do any of these
actions because they are repulsive before Him and because of them he drove out
those nations from before you. And he forbade witchcraft and necromancy because
he created for you a great elevation to make you higher than all the nations of
the land so that He would raise up in your midst a navi and He would
place His word in His mouth and you will hear from him that which Hashem will
do (according to your merits or demerits)…
According to the Ramban, witchcraft can be effected by altering the
influences that the supernal spheres have over the lower realms, thus adjusting
the distribution of plenty and sparsity in olam hazeh.
However it is evident from the Yerushalmi (Chagigah 2:2) that some types of
witchcraft can only be effected by having an unwholesome connection to the
מיד עמד שמעון בן
שטח ביום סגריר ונסב עימיה תומנין גוברין בחורין, ויהב בידיהון תומניי לבושין נקיים,
ויהבנין גו קידרין חדתין וכפינון על רישיהון, אמר לון אין צפרית חד זמן לבשון לבושיכון,
ואין צפרית זמן תניין עולין כולכון כחדא, וכיון דאתון עללין כל חד וחד מינכון יגוף
חדא ויטלטליניה מן ארעא, דעיסקיה דהדין חרשא טלטלתניה מן ארעא לא יכול עבד כלום. אזל
וקם ליה על תרעא דמערתא, א"ל אוייס ואיים פתחון לי דמן דיכן אנא, אמרון ליה היך
אתית להכא בהדין יומא, אמר לון ביני טיפייא הוינא מהלך, אמרון ליה ומה אתיתא הכא מיעבד,
אמר מילף ומילפא כל מטי יעביד מה דהוא חכם, והוות כל חדא מינהון אמרה מה דהיא אמרה
ומייתי פיתא, וחדא אמרה מה דהיא אמרה ומייתיא קופד... אמר לון אית בי צפר תרין צפרין
ומייתי לכון תמנין גוברין בחירין הווי עמכון חדיי ומחדיי לכון, אמרון ליה כן אנן בעיי,
צפר חדא זמן ולבשון לבושיהן, צפר זמן תינינן ועלו כולהון כחדא אמר כל דמטי יחכום זוגי,
וטענונון ואזלון וצלבונון...
Shimon ben Shetach arose on a rainy day and he took with him 80 young men,
and he gave each a fresh change of clothes and they placed them in new
earthenware pots and they placed them over their heads (so they should not
become wet). He said to them, “If I call out once, get dressed in the clothes.
And if I call out again, then all of you should come in at once. And when you
come into the cave, each one of you should grab one witch and left her off the
ground, because once witches are lifted off the ground they are not able to do
He went and stood at the entrance to the cave and said, “Open up! Because I
am a wizard like you.”
…They said, “What do you want here?” He said, “I have come to learn and to
teach. Each one should do what they are good at and we will learn from each
One said something and created bread, the other said something and created
meat. He said, “I can make two sounds and will magic 80 young men who will make
merry with you.”
He called out twice and the eighty young men appeared, he said, “Everyone
should choose a match.”
They picked them up (and rendered the witches helpless) and they went and
they hung them.
Furthermore, the gemara in Sanhedrin (105a) says that Bilaam was a son of
תנא הוא בעור הוא
כושן רשעתים הוא לבן הארמי
Be’or (the father of Bilaam) is Cushan who is
The Ibn Ezra (Bereishis 36:32) explains that chazal draw a
connection between Lavan and Bilaam because
ויתכן שדרך הדרש בעבור
היותו מנחש כמוהו
Lavan was as great a sorcerer as Bilaam.
According to this, we can understand that when
Yaakov said to Esav “Father said to me you will receive a beracha from
the dew of the heavens and from the fat of the land, however these are not from
the heavens and they are not from the earth,” he meant
that had Yaakov only acquired things that rely on the dew of the heavens or
that show the richness of the land, then Esav could have accused him of siding
with the witchcraft of Lavan, since using witchcraft it is possible to draw the
dew of the heavens (using the Ramban’s type of witchcraft) and it is possible
to extract sustenance from the earth (using witchcraft such as that of the
witches of Ashkelon).
However cattle and donkeys could not be produced by
either type of witchcraft, and therefore it was evident that whatever Yaakov
had had been given to him fairly by Hashem in the merit of his keeping the תרי"ג מצות and that he had not gained an unfair advantage by receiving the
berachos from Yitzchak.
Similarly, had Bilaam given the benei yisrael
a berachah, this would not have been a beneficial berachah given
by a tzaddik which would have caused Hashem to look favourably on the benei
yisrael, for Bilaam was not a tzaddik. Rather this would have been an
unnatural berachah given using the power of Bilaam’s sorcery. Had the benei
yisrael come to rely on the beneficialness of Bilaam’s berachah,
then they would have fallen under the power of Bilaam and he would have been
able to harm them as well.
That is why Bilaam asked Hashem permission to give
a berachah to the benei yisrael, and Hashem replied לא מדובשיך ולא מעוקציך – the benei yisrael require neither your honey or your
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