Vayetze - One shomer (gaurdian) who hands over his responsbility to a second shomer
In this week's parshah the pessukim discuss the laws of shomrim - a guardian who is entrusted with something to take care of. What is the halachah in the case of שומר שמסר לשומר , where the first shomer entrusted the object given to him for safekeeping to a second shomer ? The gemara paskens in this case that if the object is damaged or lost, the first shomer is chayav to pay even if he would not have been chayav if the same thing had happened when the object was under his jurisdiction ( בבא מציעא דף ל״ו עמוד ב' ): אמר רבא הלכתא שומר שמסר לשומר חייב … מאי טעמא? דאמר ליה את מהימנת לי בשבועה האיך לא מהימן לי בשבועה “Rava says, if one shomer hands over the object to a second shomer then the first shomer is chayav. Why is this so? Because the owner says to the first shomer, I believe you to make a shevuoh that it was not your fault but I do not believe the second shomer.” According to the Rambam, not only does the first shomer have to pay if the object incurred da...