Loving your friend more than yourself
The Rambam says in Hilchos Avel (14:1-2) מצות עשה של דבריהם לבקר חולים ולנחם אבלים ולהוציא המת ולהכניס הכלה וללוות האורחים ... ואלו הן גמילות חסדים שבגופו שאין להם שיעור. אף על פי שכל מצות אלו מדבריהם, הרי הן בכלל ואהבת לרעך כמוך... “It is a mitzvah mi’derabanan to visit ill people, to comfort mourners, to bury the dead , to marry off a kalah and to accompany guests. These are kindness done with the body that have no limit. Even although all of these mitzvos are mi’derabanan , they are included in the mitzvah of ve’ahavta le’reachah kamochah .” According to the Rambam, if someone visits an ill person he is doing two mitzvos. First of all he is doing a mitzvah de’oraisah of ve’ahavta le’reachah kamochah ; secondly he is doing a mitzvah mi’derabanan of bikkur cholim . Why did the chachamim enact mitzvos de’rabbanan of gemillus chasadim if the same actions are already included in the mitzvah de’oraisoh of gemillus chasadim ? The passuk says in Yisro; ו...