With what may we light on Purim?

The mishna says in Perek Bameh Madlikin ; במה מדליקין ובמה אין מדליקין. אין מדליקין לא בלכש, ולא בחסן, ולא בכלך, ולא בפתילת האידן, ולא בפתילת המדבר, ולא בירוקה שעל פני המים. ולא בזפת, ולא בשעוה, ולא בשמן קיק, ולא בשמן שרפה, ולא באליה, ולא בחלב נחום With what may we light [the Shabbath lights] and with what may we not light them? We may not light [them] with lechesh , chosen , kallach , a bast wick, a desert wick, seaweed, pitch, wax, kik oil, oil that has to be burnt because it is terumah temeah , tail fat, or the tallow of Nahum. Why does the mishna say that we may not light with the tallow of Nachum? The gemara in Shabbath (23) discusses whether the same restrictions that apply to lighting the Shabbath candles also applies to the laws of lighting on Chanukah. Why does the gemara also not discuss with what you may light on Purim? The Ariza”l explains that Yom Kippur is called Yom Kippur because it is a day which is only ke’pur – it’s sanctity is ...